Monday, November 16, 2009

Blogging - What am I Thinking

My 24 year old, college educated, daughter in her sweet and encouraging way was reading my blog ( series "Growing Up In Aurora NC. After she finished I ask her what she thought of it. Her response was so helpful, "Where did you learn to write and spell. Haven't you heard of spell check?"

Yes that has always been a problem and you would think spell check would help. The problem is spell check does not know the difference between "to, too, or two" and similar words. If you put a misspelled word in a sentence but the misspelling is actually another work it does not help.

And add to that I am Dyslexic.

Well let's just blame it on the keyboard.

Larry Gray, Realtor

Homes of Distinction
4222 S. Florida Ave
Lakeland, Fl 33813

(863) 205-8420 Cell
(863) 701-2386 Fax

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