Thursday, August 18, 2011

Not Politically Correct

Last night I was reminded of an old high school Agriculture/shop teacher I had and of all the things I learned from him. He taught us everything from the common name for hand tools to "Robert's Rules of Order". All of which I still use almost everyday. I was also reminded of an old blog post I wrote and I would like to share it again.

Not Politically Correct

The other day I had to prepare a short talk to give at a meeting I had to attend. It wasn't that difficult as it was a subject I was very familiar with but you always wonder about the length and time.

Many moons ago when I was taking Agriculture 1 as a freshman at Aurora High School in Aurora NC we had a short chapter on public speaking. Our teacher, Finley Lewis, gave this simple rule which has stuck with me and guided me in every speech I have made:

"A speech should be like a woman's dress, long enough to cover the subject, but short enough to keep the interest."

Aurora High School 1960'ish


  1. In other words, in the eye of the beholder...Some of us have shorter attention spans :-)

  2. I wonder if Winston Churchill had the very same teacher when he said, "There are two things that are more difficult than making an after-dinner speech: climbing a wall which is leaning toward you and kissing a girl who is leaning away from you."
